For health and prosperity



Article: 30040001

Intensely aromatic when diffused or used in cooking, Clove essential oil is warm, woody, spicy, and sweet. It’s traditionally been used in dental products, candies, and gum for its flavor and mouth-cleansing properties. According to preclinical research, Clove essential oil can help maintain healthy digestive, nervous, and cardiovascular systems when ingested because of its main chemical constituents: eugenol and β-caryophyllene.* Preclinical testing also indicates it may also support healthy inflammatory and oxidative stress responses when taken internally.* Dilute Clove oil it with Fractionated Coconut Oil to enhance an invigorating, energizing massage or blend it with Cinnamon Bark for a festive holiday aroma.

Original price was: 29.33 $.Current price is: 22.00 $.

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Primary Benefits

  • Clove essential oil helps clean the teeth and gums.
  • Clove oil may provide powerful antioxidant benefits when taken internally.*
  • Clove essential oil helps support healthy digestive, nervous, and cardiovascular systems when consumed.*
  • Uses

    • Add Clove oil to toothpaste to clean the teeth and freshen the breath.
    • Take Clove essential oil in a Veggie Cap to help maintain healthy digestive, nervous, and cardiovascular systems.*
    • Blend Clove oil with a carrier oil for a warming, energizing massage.

    Directions For Use

    Aromatic use: Use three to four drops of Clove essential oil in the diffuser of your choice.
    Topical use: Dilute one drop in 10 drops of carrier oil and apply to desired area.
    Internal use: Add one drop of Clove oil to a Veggie Cap or take in at least two ounces of water. See additional precautions below.


    Possible skin sensitivity. Keep out of reach of children. If you are pregnant, nursing, or under a doctor’s care, consult your physician. Avoid contact with eyes, inner ears, face, and sensitive areas.